Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Entrepreneurial Life World Free Essay Example, 1750 words

An entrepreneur tends to possess a different lifestyle, which indicates the development of any new aspect of his life. Entrepreneurs often lead to a different life as compared to the employers of several companies. Certain differences could be found to get existed between the life of an entrepreneur as well as an employer. The role of entrepreneurship is essentially more risky in comparison with others who are involved in operating an existing business. In relation to the above context, an entrepreneur should have the quality of risk-taking ability, which will help in achieving the success of business within due time (Sarasvathy et. al. ,1998). It can be apparently observed that an entrepreneur also possesses the ability to address risks that arise during the business process. On the other hand, the person or the employer should also get the support of advanced prepared reserves, which will be used during the period of managing any sort of crisis situation. Another major difference can also be found considering the fact that an entrepreneur emphasizes reducing the tendency of risks and more vitally controlling the outcomes of the same. We will write a custom essay sample on Entrepreneurial Life World or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page In this regard, the entrepreneurs should have a key focus upon building the team effectively. The main objective of entrepreneurship in this context is to pay utmost attention to building core values as well as principles relating to leadership quality. More specifically, it is also elaborated that an entrepreneur should bear a few values in the business process.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Candidereadingquestions Essay - 1917 Words

1. What is â€Å"metaphysico-theologo-cosmolo-nigology†? Pangloss teaches metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology. Pangloss states that the world is the best of all possible worlds in which all is well and all is for the best. Voltaire writes â€Å"He could prove that there is no effect without a cause; and, that in this best of all possible worlds, the Baron’s castle was the most magnificent of all castles, and My Lady the best of all possible baronesses.† Voltaire is using satire of his made up profession. By making Pangloss teach Candide this made up profession of â€Å"metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology† Pangloss is not teaching Candide anything useful. The word metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology sounds super complex but in reality it is meaningless†¦show more content†¦Military Leaders: When they punish Candide even when he is being called a â€Å"prodigy†, military leaders, in hopes of bring out the best in the soldiers, actually damage them. Catholics: The most disturbing to Catholics would probably be the two women in a relationship with the monkeys, on page 38. This is a direct violation of Leviticus 22, and they probably wouldn’t get the satire, instead take the text literally and interpret the natives in Latin America to be sinful. Protestants: The auto-da-fà © on pages 13, because it is essentially radical Catholics burning people at the stake. Aristocrats: The dinner with the six kings, on pages 73-76, as it shows them that all power can be taken away 7. What is Voltaire attitude’s towards religion? Consider passages that illustrate the behavior of religious figures and religious institutions. Voltaire sees religion as mostly corrupting, witht eh perfect example being that of El Dorado, where the ‘perfect society’ doesn’t believe in any religion. All the characters that have religious affiliations except James the Anabaptist persecute people who are indifferent towards their religion. For example, the orator refused to serve food to Candide because he was indifferent towards Christianity. The orator’s wife also saw Candide and poured a bucket of†¦.. on him. The ellipses means something really nasty like human feces 8. What is the role of sex in the story? Sex

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Why do we age Free Essays

Why do we age? I recently took part in 5 experiments undergoing everyday activities to see how it feels to be; ; Blind Bone density problems Hearing difficulties To have limited fine motor skills Memory loss First activity I took part In expected us to try clothes on (that required buttons) to be able to fasten the buttons wearing thick mittens and gloves. The mittens and the gloves resembled the elderly and the Limited fine motor skills (finger movements required to fasten the buttons). This task got me very frustrated as It was very difficult to fasten the buttons because as you get older your receptors become less insensitive this is linked to the fact that the brain and nervous system goes through natural changes, your brain and spinal cord lose nerve cells and weight therefore nerve cells begin to pass messages more slowly, a breakdown of nerves can affect your senses. We will write a custom essay sample on Why do we age or any similar topic only for you Order Now You might have reduced or lost reflexes or sensation. This leads to problems with movement and safety. This can affect people’s self-confidence as they may not understand their own weaknesses making it hard for them to trust themselves to do anything. The mittens and thick gloves resembled this as it was almost as if my fingers were numb and I found it hard to control them in a way I wanted to causing me feel empathy towards the elderly who do suffer with these everyday tasks. The second activity I took part in was listening to a video clip with the volume turned down, this resembled the elderly with hearing difficulties as I really had to strain to hear the smallest sound. It usually is the higher pitched sounds that seem to be harder to hear as we get older and also it is more difficult for the elderly to hear voice and conversations whilst there is background noise, I could hear the lower pitched oases such as the laughter in the background but not the detailed Information In the conversations. As you age, structures Inside the ear start to change and their functions decline. Your ability to pick up sounds decreases. You may also have problems maintaining your balance as you sit, stand, and walk. This could affect a person’s self-confidence and self-Image as they may feel embarrassed If they lose balance or have to ask again for someone to repeat themselves when really It Is Just a natural occurrence that happens to us all. Linked to the sensory system controlling your senses such as hearing, sense of smell, taste and sight. The third activity I took part in required me to read a prescription and separate some elderly face, when you get older your eyesight not only adjusts more slowly to change in distances and light changes from daylight to night vision but if the prescription is hand written it could be more difficult for the elderly to read and understand also the font or printing of the prescription could have the same effect. If the elderly person is not only having eyesight difficulties but also could be prone to diseases such as Parkinson for example and might not be physically able to separate the pills onto the specific days this could be a problem as it could have a potential life risk, if they need to take pills every day and they could not be able to do so. All of the eye structures change with aging. The cornea becomes less sensitive, so injuries may not be noticed. By the time you turn 60, your pupils decrease to about one third of the size they were when you were 20. The lens becomes yellowed, less flexible, and slightly cloudy. The fat pads supporting the eyes decrease in amount and the eyes sink into their sockets. The eye muscles become less able to fully rotate the eye. The fourth activity I took part in was making Christmas cards with our eyes restricted by wearing glasses with numerous of different blockages for our eyesight, so we was completely or partially blind, we had to write the card, decorate the card and put it in the envelope. This task was particularly difficult and frustrating as it was physically impossible to do the task without messing up, as you don’t know if you have already included the information or how neat it was. As we age the most common in sight difficulties is trouble focusing on something close, such as reading, writing and itching television this is called presbyters, it also gets harder to tell the colors apart but for our activity this was relevant as we tried different glasses on which reduced our eyesight to different limits. This could affect someone self-esteem as they may feel they are getting worse as they age and not feeling good enough as they once did in their younger days. The last activity I took part in was attaching heavy weights onto my arms and doing daily tasks such as brushing our teeth and brushing our hair for 2-5 minutes, we felt the strain and this resembles an elderly person who may suffer with bone density robbers most common in women after menopause, this may leave you feeling weak as when we age our muscle mass naturally decreases as our bones lose calcium, linked to the musculoskeletal system. The decrease of muscles for an elderly person could create a serious risk for daily activities as if they fall they wouldn’t be able to brace themselves properly and ease the fall as their muscles may not be strong enough to hold themselves. This could affect someone’s self-esteem as they may change their own opinion of themselves may see themselves as Weak’ when really the decrease of muscles begins Just after 30 years of age. How to cite Why do we age, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Economic Growth Nigeria free essay sample

Nigeria’s economic aspirations have remained that of altering the structure of production and consumption patterns, diversifying the economic base and reducing dependence on oil, with the aim of putting the economy on a part of sustainable, all-inclusive and non-inflationary growth. The implication of this is that while rapid growth in output, as measured by the real gross domestic product (GDP), is important, the transformation of the various sectors of the economy is even more critical. This is consistent with the growth aspirations of most developing countries, as the structure of the economy is expected to change as growth progresses. Successive governments in Nigeria have since independence in 1960, pursued the goal of structural changes without much success. The growth dynamics have been propelled by the existence and exploitation of natural resources and primary products. Initially, the agricultural sector, driven by the demand for food and cash crops production was at the centre of the growth process, contributing 54. We will write a custom essay sample on Economic Growth Nigeria or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 7 per cent to the GDP during the 1960s. The second decade of independence saw the emergence of the oil industry as the main driver of growth. Since then, the economy has mainly gyrated with the boom-burst cycles of the oil ndustry. Government expenditure outlays that are dependent on oil revenues have more or less dictated the pace of growth of the economy. Looking back, it is clear that the economy has not actually performed to its full potential particularly in the face of its rising population. 1 In general, economic growth and population growth rates are very close that the margin cannot induce the required structural transformation and economic diversification. The Nigerian economy has grossly underperformed relative to her enormous resource endowment and her peer nations. It has the 6th largest gas reserves and the 8th largest crude oil reserves in the world. It is endowed in commercial quantities with about 37 solid mineral types and has a population of over 150 million persons. Yet economic performance has been rather weak and does not reflect these endowments. Compared with the emerging Asian these countries have countries, notably, Thailand, Malaysia , China, India and Indonesia that were far behind Nigeria in terms of GDP per capita in 1970, transformed their economies and are not only miles ahead of Nigeria, but are also major players on the global economic arena. Indeed, Nigeria’s poor economic performance, particularly in the last forty years, is better illustrated when compared with China which now occupies an enviable position as the second largest economy in the world. In 1970, while Nigeria had a GDP per capita of US$233. 35 and was ranked 88th in the world, China was ranked 114th with a GDP per capita of US$111. 82. The major factors accounting for the relative decline of the country’s economic fortunes are easily identifiable as political instability, lack of focused and visionary leadership, economic mismanagement and corruption. Prolonged period of military rule stifled economic and social progress, particularly in the three decades of 1970s to 1990s. During these years, resources were plundered, social values were debased, and unemployment rose astronomically with concomitant increase in crime rate. Living standards fell so low, to the extent that some of the best brains with the requisite skills to drive the developmental process left in droves to other nations, and are now making substantial contributions to the economic success of their host countries. 2 However, since 1999, the country returned to the path of civil democratic governance and has sustained uninterrupted democratic rule for a period of 11 years. This in itself is a great achievement and gives reason for hope in a country that has been burdened with almost three decades of military rule. It has provided an opportunity to arrest the decline of the past and provide the launch pad for the take-off into an era of sustainable and all-round economic development. The successive civilian administrations since 1999 have committed to tackling the daunting challenges. Economic growth has risen substantially, with annual average of 7. 4 per cent in the last decade. But the growth has not been inclusive, broad-based and transformational. Agriculture and services have been the main drivers of growth. The implication of this trend is that economic growth in Nigeria has not resulted in the desired structural changes that would make manufacturing the engine of growth, create employment, promote technological development and induce poverty alleviation. Available data has put the national poverty level at 54. per cent. Similarly, there has been rising unemployment with the current level put at 19. 7 per cent by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). Furthermore, the country lags behind her peers in most human development indicators. For example, while China and Thailand are on the 5th and 22nd positions, respectively, on the 2009 Global Hunger Index, Nigeria was ranked 46th. This can be traced largely to the huge infrastructure deficit, rising insecurit y, mass corruption and widespread poverty. 1. 2 Problem Statement In the light of the poor performance of the economy since independence despite the huge mineral, material and human endowment, as well as the accelerating dynamics of the global economy, what are the prospects of the economy in the short-to-medium term? In other words, can the Nigerian economy move from the historical sluggish growth trends to a vibrant growth 3 path that can transform the structure of the economy and enable her to attainment the vision enunciated under Vision 20:2020 and launch her into the league of advanced economies? Objectives and Structure of the Paper This lecture, therefore, seeks to examine the growth prospects for the Nigerian economy in the short-to-medium-term perspective, in the light of its relatively poor economic performance since independence and her abundant natural and human resources. Following this introduction, section 2 shares some thoughts on economic development, while section 3 reviews the Nigerian economy in perspective, through policy regimes to the nature and structure of the economy and performance trends.

Friday, November 29, 2019

101 Intro to Argument Professor Ramos Blog

101 Intro to Argument Graff â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism† (264) Quick Write What are some problems or issues that would benefit from us researching and writing about them? Research Argument Topics These are very general topics to consider. For our project, we will be arguing for positive change. The issues or problems can be from the list below. Legalize Drugs Rap Lyrics promote sexism Gun Laws Universal Health Care Planned Parenthood Death Penalty Miss Information Protesting Freedom of Speech Gas taxes Border Wall Make drugs illegal Marijuana Laws Trump Same-sex marriage Trans Bathrooms Free College Trains vs Autos Animal Testing Participation Trophies Prostitution should be legal Homework is good or bad? Try minors as adults Driving age raised Drinking age lowered Paternity Leave Graff â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism† (264) In the article â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism,† Gerald Graff argues that schools should encourage students to write about subjects that interests them. While passion about a subject does not necessarily mean they will write well about it, they can benefit from reflective and analytical writing about subjects they care about. Nonacademic subjects can be â€Å"more intellectual than school† (267). What does he mean by intellectual here? Look at paragraph 10 on page 267. Real intellectuals turn any subject, however lightweight it may seem, into grist for their mill through thoughtful questions they bring to it, whereas a dullard will find a way to drain the interest out of the richest subject (265). Do you agree with this statement? Why? Who is his audience? What is his purpose? Give me the student anytime who writes a sharply argued, sociologically acute analysis of an issue in  Source  over the student who writes a life ­less explication of  Hamlet  or Socrates’  Apology  (270). Logos Evidence, S.T.A.R. Sufficient Typical Acceptable Relevant Rhetorical Questions Signposts Transitions and connections Pre-buttals Anticipate objections and answering Famous Arguments Martin Luther Kings I have a Dream Speech Is his speech successful? How does he build Ethos? Where does he use Pathos? Identify uses of Logos. The Danger of a Single Story Novelist  Chimamanda Adichie  tells a story about how she found her authentic voice and warns against a single story. Where did she use Ethos, Logos, and Pathos? How persuasive is she?

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Primary Cause Of The Civil War

The statement, â€Å"The issue of states’ rights was the primary cause of the Civil War†, can be backed up by many facts, but can be linked back to a much a larger cause of the Civil War that begun in 1861. Other causes of the Civil War were sectionalism; which consisted of sectional interests and cultures; each region’s perceptions of the other’s intentions and the expansion of slavery. All these causes can also be linked back and are directly related to the peculiar institution of slavery. Thus, leading me to believe that slavery was the main overall cause of the Civil War, but looking more into slavery itself, the expansion of slavery was the primary cause, for the Southern states seceded as soon as Abraham Lincoln was elected President. Lincoln wanted to strip the right of new territories and states to decide on their own on the issue of slavery. A quote from the passage â€Å"Where Historians Disagree† in the textbook by James Ford Rhodes state s, â€Å"if the Negro had not been brought to America, the Civil war could not have occurred† (p. 377 American History: A Survey), rings true in my ears. There could have been differences between the North and the South without the existence and argument of expansion of slavery, but not problems large enough to lead the country to a crisis as large as the Civil War. Therefore, slavery and the argument over the expansion of slavery, which led to secession, was the primary cause of the bloody Civil War, which cost America mores lives than any other war on record. First, the roots of the issue of states’ rights versus the authority of the national government can be associated with slavery. Southern states believed that new territories should decide for themselves if they wanted to legalize slavery. Of course, this feeling was a precedent because the South wanted slavery to expand. The national government, which had a Northern majority, was mostly against the idea of giving new territories... Free Essays on Primary Cause Of The Civil War Free Essays on Primary Cause Of The Civil War The statement, â€Å"The issue of states’ rights was the primary cause of the Civil War†, can be backed up by many facts, but can be linked back to a much a larger cause of the Civil War that begun in 1861. Other causes of the Civil War were sectionalism; which consisted of sectional interests and cultures; each region’s perceptions of the other’s intentions and the expansion of slavery. All these causes can also be linked back and are directly related to the peculiar institution of slavery. Thus, leading me to believe that slavery was the main overall cause of the Civil War, but looking more into slavery itself, the expansion of slavery was the primary cause, for the Southern states seceded as soon as Abraham Lincoln was elected President. Lincoln wanted to strip the right of new territories and states to decide on their own on the issue of slavery. A quote from the passage â€Å"Where Historians Disagree† in the textbook by James Ford Rhodes state s, â€Å"if the Negro had not been brought to America, the Civil war could not have occurred† (p. 377 American History: A Survey), rings true in my ears. There could have been differences between the North and the South without the existence and argument of expansion of slavery, but not problems large enough to lead the country to a crisis as large as the Civil War. Therefore, slavery and the argument over the expansion of slavery, which led to secession, was the primary cause of the bloody Civil War, which cost America mores lives than any other war on record. First, the roots of the issue of states’ rights versus the authority of the national government can be associated with slavery. Southern states believed that new territories should decide for themselves if they wanted to legalize slavery. Of course, this feeling was a precedent because the South wanted slavery to expand. The national government, which had a Northern majority, was mostly against the idea of giving new territories...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Eco Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Eco Assignment - Essay Example are the amount of funds that commercial banks must hold in reserve against deposits, and third, is by changing the discount rate or interest rate charged to commercial banks.( Shad Satterthwaite) These tools are used to increase or decrease money supply. For example, when the government wants to control inflation, the Federal Reserve can sell government securities to raise money. This money will be used to alter banks’ reserve thereby reducing money circulation. When there is a smaller supply of money, there would be less to spend which would eventually lower the prices of goods. Federal Reserve may also increase interest rates making it more expensive to borrow. In this case, consumers will rather save which in turn will result to lowering of prices. The reverse process can be done to increase money supply. The effect of monetary policy can be described in the following scenario. To the man on the street, monetary policy doesn’t make sense; news about easy or tight money could go unnoticed, for after all, he receives exactly the same take home pay, eat the same food on the table, and can still purchase the same amount of goods on credit. However, let us consider this situation in business places where â€Å"easy† and tight† money could be readily observed. At one time or the other, we see offices busy with extra activities, while in another setting, we see the office like nothing is happening. Upon study, we see that the extra activities are brought about by expansion plans made possible by the easy monetary policy for investments. On the other hand, when money is tight, business activities are almost idle and there are no plans for expansion. Monetary policy is a move to regulate the supply of money that causes upward or downward changes in the amount of funds available to investors and producers. To regulate the supply of money, the Central Bank Federal Reserves must strike a balance between the demands for fund for growth and requirements of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Case study (multiple myeloma) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Case study (multiple myeloma) - Essay Example The substantial weight loss should also alert someone about a possible malignant process, as it is commonly associated. The possibility of inflammatory lower back disease also should not be ruled out, as diseases like rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis can be rarely localized to the spine as well. Weight loss can also be a non-specific finding. Thus inflammatory arthritis should be another group of disorders to be kept as part of the diagnosis. The addition of several recent infections and being short of breath despite being a non-smoker adds another layer of possibilities. Recurrent recent infections (not mentioned if they were chest infections or not) can be associated with immune suppression, which is seen in hematological illnesses. Shortness of breath can be due to a variety of causes including lung diseases, severe anemia and even heart failure, which should be investigated further. The substantial weight loss is seen in many chronic conditions and malignant conditions, which can be confirmed after making the diagnosis. The history is not classically suggestive of any illness in particular, and based on the differential diagnoses outlined in the history, clinical tests should be interpreted for accurately diagnosing the condition. In view of the bone pain, the clinical chemistry can be helpful if there is bone destruction. Calcium levels (3.48 mmol/L) are elevated, which is indicative of a possible bone destructive process, which can be seen in a variety of conditions. In addition, alkaline phosphatase is raised when there is new bone formation, as typically seen in classical hypercalcaemia seen with solid tumours invading bone. Moreover, phosphate levels are normal, which rules out hyperparathyroidism as a cause. Liver damage can also raise alkaline phosopahatase levels, but in light of the above history, is not one of our differential diagnoses. However, in this case, alkaline phosphatase is normal (94 IU/L) too , which raises the possibility that myeloma is the underlying cause. Few other causes of hypercalcaemia have normal phosphates and alkaline phosphate levels. The cause of hypercalcaemia in myeloma is however complex, and thought to be related to cytokine-driven increase in osteoclast activity.In this case we should also have done full serum creatinine and electrolytes, as renal insufficiency is common in myeloma as well as itself a cause of hypercalcaemia itself. The urea levels are increased ( 14.0 mmol/L) which is some cause for concern, as it could be associated with renal insufficiency. Infact hypercalcaemia itself can cause renal insufficiency, and up to this point that could be considered as the working hypothesis. Bone pain is seen in up to 70 % of cases of myeloma, and is an important consideration even at this stage. There are no clinical chemistry tests that can confirm the diagnosis of multiple myeloma, which can only be diagnosed with any certainty with the use of immunological markers as discussed below. Blood counts and film analysis The Hb level of 10.7 g/dL shows that there is mild anaemia, although Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) is normal (82 fl) (normochromic anaemia) and so is the White cell count (11.7 x 109/L). Mild anaemia rarely

Monday, November 18, 2019

Threat of migration as a core feature of the demographic landscape Essay

Threat of migration as a core feature of the demographic landscape - Essay Example This essay demonstrates that perhaps the biggest threat that migrant children face is that of child labor and trafficking. Due to lack of awareness, migrant children are known to be easy prey for child traffickers. In most cases, such children are lured with the promise of a good life elsewhere but most of them end up as being sex slaves while the boy children end up in construction and agriculture in some nations. In some Caribbean nations, some agencies came up to the children of migrants offering to reunite them with their parents. The children transit in such journeys without any adult accompaniment and this makes them vulnerable to child traffickers. Even after being united with their parents, some parents and especially mothers end up encouraging their daughters to participate in the sex trade for to help in paying the family bills.In conclusion, most families from third world nations have used migration as a means for economic survival. While parents who have migrated abroad i ncrease the remittances to their families, research has continually shown that such a move presents numerous threats to children. In most cases, the children who have been left behind are placed in a situation that increases their vulnerability something that has a negative effect on their psychological wellness. In addition to this, such children are vulnerable to abuse as well as misuse. Even the migrant children are not left out as they suffer the threat of sexual exploitation, child labor, and trafficking.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Francis Bacon Vs John Locke Philosophy Essay

Francis Bacon Vs John Locke Philosophy Essay Cognition is one of the main principles of philosophy. Searching for the ways to understand the surrounding world, trying to make sure that people live in the world they can explain, many philosophers tried to create their own theories of nature reasoning. People have always been interested in the nature, its processes, and the way in which scientific discoveries are made. There are two ways to consider the nature, deductive and inductive. Francis Bacon and John Locke are two philosophers who searching for the most effective ways of cognition have come to opposite perspectives and presented those in their writings, Novum Organum Scientiarum and An Essay on Human Understanding respectively. Bacons Novum Organum Scientiarum and Lockes Essay on Human Understanding are two pieces of writing which do not only present the points of view of the authors, but also describe two important ways for considering science and conducting the process of condition, even though the perspectives of these two people are opposite, they are both applied in the modern world with the same frequency. The main reason for writing these two pieces of scientific discussion was the desire to understand the modern world. Cognition is important for philosophers of the whole world and searching for the most effective ways for understanding the nature Locke and Bacon came to two opposite ways in understanding different processes. Bacon and Locke apply to deductive and inductive methods, which differ by the starting point and the vision of the beginning of the research. It is difficult to understand the surrounding world, as sometimes it seems to be indescribable and confusing; however, Bacon and Locke managed to prove that appropriate approach to cognition under correct conditions and in appropriate time with a restricted number of actions may lead to solving the mystery of the surrounding world. Each mystery should be considered from the side of an appropriate perspective or theory. Considering the main idea of inductive and deductive method, one should imagine a problem, which he/she wants to dwell upon. Applying to the deductive method, the problem should be considered from a general perspective. Further, the researcher should concretize and specify the issue turning to the very particular aspect, which is important. Having an opportunity to prove that the general rule is appropriate for the specific one, a person applies to the deductive method. Inductive method presupposes anther vision of the situation, when dealing with one specific action a person has to prove that the same condition is typical for the general audience. Thus, the generalization of the results is based on the inductive method. Bacon and Locke described these two methods in detail. Writing their pieces of literature, Locke and Bacon tried to deliver their vision of solving the problem of world cognition. Trying to present their methods, these people could not imagine that they open up the m ethods which are going to be used in the scientific world for many discoveries, as trying to solve any problem, working on the mystery, etc. researchers and scholars use either inductive or deductive methods to conduct a research. Bacons Novum Organum Scientiarum is more directed n logic than on philosophy, as applying to the discussion of the general issues, one should create the chain of events, consequences and conclusions which are based on the central general idea and come closer to the specific issue which is to be considered. Bacon states that for the powers and motions of things act and take effect at distances not indefinite or accidental, but finite and fixed; so that to ascertain and observe these distances in the investigation of the several natures is of the greatest advantage to practice, not only to prevent its failure but also to extend and increase its power (Bacon Novum Organum 206). In other words, Bacon tried to prove that the processes in the nature are interconnected and trying to come from the general aspect to the concrete one, a person will find the expected results only if the correct way is followed. The human disbelief in the fact that things are possible makes the scientific resear ch more complicated. Turning to close discussion of the very inductive method proposed by Bacon, it is important to point at the procedure of the research. A scholar should gather several events which have the same characteristics, outcome or other features. Considering each of the issues individually, the scholar should remember that hey are the part of the general issue. Thus, trying to find the individual features of the common generalized cases, he/she will be able to draw conclusions by means of posteriori reasoning concerning the validity of hypotheses that were formulated a priority (Vignais and Vignais 113) only in case the conditions are met and the procedure is followed ideally. Bacons Novum Organum Scientiarum is a revision of the Aristotles Organon. Bacon tries to make sure that the specifically new order in cognitive processes should be used. Being totally based on logic, Bacon tries to prove in this work that the science of a better and more perfect use of reason in the investigation of things and of the true end of the understanding (Bacon The essays or counsels civil and moral 33). One more important aspect in the Bacons work is the reference to the practical experiments, which helps understand the problem and increase the chances foe drawing the conclusion faster. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the contribution of Bacon in the development of the cognition and scientific world is invaluable Lockes Essay on Human Understanding is based on the process of cognition, when one pays attention to the details and tries to generalize the ideas, which one gathers. Searching for the explanation of different natural processes, the researcher is presupposes to gather the details, the parts of the general picture and step by step to come closer to the final goal. The considerationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ of ideas and words as the great instruments of knowledge makes no despicable part of their contemplation who would take a view of human knowledge in the whole extent of it (Locke 718). The importance of Lockes essay is the ways and methods he offered for understanding the human nature. Later, Lockes essay will be exercised as the profound influence upon the Enlightenment, providing the epistemological foundations for modern empiricism (Hyland, Gomez, and Greensides 40). The main idea of this wok is to make sure that people understand the importance of their knowledge and the way how this know ledge may be considered. The perception of the surrounding world plays great role in Lockes theory. Each person is a thinking being who has an opportunity to distinct ideas in ones mind and draw appropriate conclusions. The failure to consider the necessary issues, the failure to check the information which is really important for this very research is one of the main barriers on the way of human cognition. The main idea of Lockes inductive method is to gather all the necessary facts related to the problem and make the necessary connections. The failure to find all the issues and to make the correct connections is a failure many people do not know how to cope with. Locke is sure that once a person manages to understand an issue having created the correct chain of conclusions, the more complicated cognitive processes will be available for this person (Hyland, Gomez, and Greensides 42). Locke paid much attention to enthusiasm and Rudrum, Black, and Nelson correctly say that enthusiasm to Locke is the refusal to apply reason to ideas that the believer thinks are revealed truth, and the question he seeks to answer is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ how to distinguish between true revelation and mere enthusiasm (1029). These words just support the information mentioned above. A person who wants to conduct a cognitive process of thinking should make sure that purpose and the process is lead correctly, otherw ise, nothing will come out. Commenting on Lockes Essay on Human Understanding, Clarke confirmed that the main idea of the Lockes method is to understand the correct principle and to find the appropriate data, which perfectly meets the problem (Clarke 1). Trying to compare and contrast these two pieces of writing, Bacons Novum Organum Scientiarum and Lockes Essay on Human Understanding, the most important similarities and differences should be identified. These two works are directed at helping people conduct cognitive processes and find out the truth about human nature and the surrounding world. However, the approaches these two authors apply to differ greatly. Bacon bases his theory of logical thinking trying to prove that the pieces of information considered from the general scope of data is the most effective way for cognition. Locke does not try to contradict Bacons ideas, but he refers to another approach, trying to prove that the correctly selected pieces of information and the chain of appropriate conclusions is a guarantee of cognition. Therefore, it may be concluded that even though Bacons and Lockes ideas are diametrically opposite and the way of cognition these authors offer have nothing in common, these two theories deserve attention. Being absolutely different they neither contradict, nor supplement each other. These two theories have found the supporters in the world of science as both logical and knowledge-based methods are used in the modern science. Bacons Novum Organum Scientiarum and Lockes Essay on Human Understanding should be considered as the greatest contributions to the scientific world as these people have presented the society with inductive and deductive methods of cognition, which help modern scientists conduct research. Moreover, separate parts of the discussion in these two pieces of writing offered the ideas for further research as science is a dynamic sphere, which requires constant movement ahead with the return to the already drawn conclusions to make sure that there is nothing to be added .

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Control and The Role of Destiny, Free Will, and Fate Essay -- Explorat

Control and The Role of Destiny, Free Will, and Fate Control. Who is in control of our actions and decisions and what happens as a result of them? As humans, we like to believe that we are in control of our actions and decisions and that we are in complete control of where we go and what we do in life, but is that really the case? Are there other factors besides us that help determine where we go and what we do in life? Is there a supreme being, such as God, that controls where our actions and decisions will take us and even influences our decisions, or does chance/fate and only chance/fate play a factor in decisions we make and their outcomes? Do other people have the ability to control our actions and us, or is that not possible? As was stated, the nature of humans is to want to feel like one is in control of him/herself and where his/her decisions will lead him/her in life. We like to believe that we aren't influenced when making decisions, but, after discussing the topic of what influences our decisions in class, I realized that most of our decisions are influenced, in some way or another, by our peers, our family, television, movies, music, teachers, and so forth. For example, take the topic of clothing. Why do we wear the clothes we wear? When I go to school, I generally see people in the same clique wearing similar clothing. Some people believe that they buy the clothing they buy only because it feels comfortable and it (supposedly) lasts a long time, but, in my opinion, I think students' decisions of what clothing to purchase are influenced by their peers and also by the companies that make clothing. If a person's friends didn't wear Abercrombie and Fitch clothing, they probably wouldn't wear it. Clothing manu... ...ven the same decision, but where that decision leads them may be totally different. God has a plan for everyone's life, and HE uses the decisions we make to guide us down the path HE wants us to go, not necessarily where we want to go. Someone can decide that he/she wants to become a really, really rich business person, but if God doesn't want that to happen, He'll use their decisions they think are leading them to become a businessman/woman for His own purpose. We all like to feel like we're in control of our lives and what's going to happen to us, but that actually isn't the case. This feeling we desire comes from pride - we think we can do what WE want on OUR own, without God, without realizing that He has already planned what's going to happen to us. So next time you think, "Some day I'm going to...," remember that what you want isn't always going to happen. Control and The Role of Destiny, Free Will, and Fate Essay -- Explorat Control and The Role of Destiny, Free Will, and Fate Control. Who is in control of our actions and decisions and what happens as a result of them? As humans, we like to believe that we are in control of our actions and decisions and that we are in complete control of where we go and what we do in life, but is that really the case? Are there other factors besides us that help determine where we go and what we do in life? Is there a supreme being, such as God, that controls where our actions and decisions will take us and even influences our decisions, or does chance/fate and only chance/fate play a factor in decisions we make and their outcomes? Do other people have the ability to control our actions and us, or is that not possible? As was stated, the nature of humans is to want to feel like one is in control of him/herself and where his/her decisions will lead him/her in life. We like to believe that we aren't influenced when making decisions, but, after discussing the topic of what influences our decisions in class, I realized that most of our decisions are influenced, in some way or another, by our peers, our family, television, movies, music, teachers, and so forth. For example, take the topic of clothing. Why do we wear the clothes we wear? When I go to school, I generally see people in the same clique wearing similar clothing. Some people believe that they buy the clothing they buy only because it feels comfortable and it (supposedly) lasts a long time, but, in my opinion, I think students' decisions of what clothing to purchase are influenced by their peers and also by the companies that make clothing. If a person's friends didn't wear Abercrombie and Fitch clothing, they probably wouldn't wear it. Clothing manu... ...ven the same decision, but where that decision leads them may be totally different. God has a plan for everyone's life, and HE uses the decisions we make to guide us down the path HE wants us to go, not necessarily where we want to go. Someone can decide that he/she wants to become a really, really rich business person, but if God doesn't want that to happen, He'll use their decisions they think are leading them to become a businessman/woman for His own purpose. We all like to feel like we're in control of our lives and what's going to happen to us, but that actually isn't the case. This feeling we desire comes from pride - we think we can do what WE want on OUR own, without God, without realizing that He has already planned what's going to happen to us. So next time you think, "Some day I'm going to...," remember that what you want isn't always going to happen.

Monday, November 11, 2019

In Civil Peace, How Does War Affect Society Essay

In human history, especially in the ninetieth century and the twentieth century, there were many civil wars in different countries because of political, economic, religious, ethnic, and cultural conflicts, for example, the American Civil War between the United States and several southern slaves states from 1861 to 1865; the Korean Civil War between the Republic of Korea and Democratic people Republic of Korea from 1950 to 1953; the Chinese Civil War between the Republic of China and the Communist Party of China from 1927 to 1950, and the Nigeria Civil War between the Hausas Party and the Igbo Party from 1967 to 1970. Civil wars cause serious poverty and starvation for the people, kill tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians, and bring tragedies to many families. For instance, in the Korean Civil war, more than one million soldiers and civilians were killed, including over 40,000 American soldiers, 511,493 South Korean soldiers and civilians, about 400,000 North Koreans, and over 148,000 Chinese soldiers. Therefore, civil wars affect societies severely. In â€Å"Civil Peace†, the war causes terrible casualties of civilians and soldiers, results in fearful society instability, and destroys tremendous infrastructures and houses. In human history, especially in the ninetieth century and the twentieth century, there were many civil wars in different countries because of political, economic, religious, ethnic, and cultural conflicts, for example, the American Civil War between the United States and several southern slaves states from 1861 to 1865;[1] the Korean Civil War between the Republic of Korea and Democratic people Republic of Korea from 1950 to 1953;[2] the Chinese Civil War between the Republic of China and the Communist Party of China from 1927 to 1950, and the Nigeria Civil War between the Hausas Party and the Igbo Party from 1967 to 1970. 3] Civil wars cause serious poverty and starvation for the people, kill tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians, and bring tragedies to many families. For instance, in the Korean Civil war, more than one million soldiers and civilians were killed, including over 40,000 American soldiers, 511,493 South Korean soldiers and civilians, about 400,000 North Koreans, and over 148,000 Chinese soldiers. [4] Therefore, civil wars affect societies severely. In â€Å"Civil Peace†, the war causes terrible casualties of civilians and soldiers, results in fearful society instability, and destroys tremendous infrastructures and houses. First, most Nigerian civilians live in hunger and malnutrition, but more miserably, tens of thousands soldiers and civilians are killed during the devastating civil war. It is estimated that about 180,000 soldiers and civilians were battle deaths and non-battle deaths. [5] Contrary to Jonathan’s luckiness, such as â€Å"He had come out of war with five inestimable blessing-his head, his wife Maria’s head and the heads of three out of their four children†(Achebe 20), many parents lost all of their children and many other children lost their parents. They all live in extreme grief and sorrow of losing their family members. Furthermore, those children whose parents are dead can hardly survive in the extreme postwar poverty. A lot of people suffer life poverty and spiritual grief. Most important, civil war brings tragedies to many families. These tragedies will affect survivors forever. Secondly, civil war not only results in lots of corporations being closed down and many employees being unemployed, but also brings social instability. For example, most of Jonathan’s fellow ex-miners cannot find jobs. They cook meals that they scrounge together in Bournvita tins. Moreover, because a large number civilian population lacks food and money and they are always in starvation; some civilians are forced to make a living through robbery. These robbers bring people serious fear and pain. In â€Å"Civil Peace†, after Jonathan brings his ex-gratia award back home, a gang of robbers comes and threatens that they will break into the house at night if he doesn’t give them one hundred pounds. â€Å"Jonathan and his family were now completely paralyzed by terror. Maria and the children sobbed inaudibly like lost souls. Jonathan groaned continuously† (Achebe 23). At last, the thieves rob Jonathan twenty pounds. Therefore, the Civil War causes serious social instability and brings civilians more sorrows. Thirdly, in addition to life hardships and spiritual grieves, tremendous infrastructures and houses are destroyed in the war. Many people become destitute and homeless. For example, when Jonathan comes back Enugu, he is astonished to find that â€Å"Only two houses away a huge concrete edifice some wealthy contractor had put up just before the war was a mountain of rubble† (Achebe 22). Some ex-miners are sleeping out of the offices because their houses are ruined in civil war. It is well known that roads, bridges, railways, and rban water and electricity facilities are always heavily destroyed during wars. Civilians suffer starvations during the days and endure cold during the nights because their houses are damaged. Indeed, it is inconceivable how tough conditions people live in during the war. Jonathan is an extra-ordinarily lucky man, but most civilians’ lives are tragic. Without food, houses, money, families and jobs, many people almost collapse into near-madness. Therefore, civil war results in numerous houses and infrastructures ruined. In addition, civil war will severely block postwar national economic development. The governments need to invest lots of money to rebuild ruined national infrastructures. â€Å"Nothing puzzles God† says Jonathan (Achebe 25), but civil wars puzzle everyone. Most Nigeria civilians undergo poverty, homelessness, cold and sadness. Civil wars not only bring extreme poverty and starvation, but also cause severe casualties of soldiers and civilians. Moreover, numerous houses and facilities are terribly ruined. In addition, a lot of factories and corporations are forced to close down. Above all, the civil war contributes to severe social instability, brings families tragedies, and causes people deep sorrows.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cost-based and Competitive -based pricing Essays

Cost-based and Competitive -based pricing Essays Cost-based and Competitive -based pricing Essay Cost-based and Competitive -based pricing Essay When deciding which of the two methods will be more effective in our working field we took into consideration the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods. We have decided that the market in these days is too risky to use cost-based pricing for our product because it is hard to predict what is going to be the reaction of the purchasers and also we do not know how well the product is going to be sold. In case we fail to sell the predicted amount of our watches we will be forced to increase the price in order to save our company from bankruptcy . To sum it all up there are too many disadvantages in the usage of cost-based pricing. On the other hand such is not the case of competitive based pricing where disadvantages are fewer and risks not so dangerous. We have decided that the only risk when choosing this path is that if we set a price slightly higher than the production cost and the rival brands keep their share of the market we are surely going to bankrupt. Also competitive-based pricing offers a wide variety of sub-methods which can lead to higher profits. In this type of method we are closely observing the competition the quality of their products, prices they set and their ability to survive in a continuous price war and the introduction of a rival brand. We are not going to use a method of high pricing in order to imply that our product is very unique because there are too many illustrious competitors and it is going to be close to impossible to take over even a small share of the market while offering prices as high as theirs. Our company is also against the policy of using predatory pricing. That is a very incompatible method for our brand of watches it is illegal in some countries and is again very risky if the competition is able to respond to this method. We do not have enough finances to pull this off. We intend to take over a large share of the market not momentarily but slowly and steadily. We are also not intending to create a market niche for our product. Our main goal is to offer a price slightly higher that our production cost and lower than competitor prices in order to make a small profit while establishing ourselves as a major watch brand. Conclusion: In conclusion, by considering all the information presented in the analysis and the specifics of the pricing we decided the usage of the competitor-orientated method for our product in order to obtain major share of the market. Of course, there are many advantages and disadvantages for choosing both the cost-based and the competitor-orientated method. Having in mind that our product is widely used we considered that this pricing strategy will help us eliminate a great part of the competition and satisfy our customers needs and wants, which are our aims. This pricing method will be in assistance for the fast penetration of our product on the market and in the field of business relationships. We run the calculated risk of bankruptcy if there are not enough sales and if customers are not convinced in the quality of our product. Otherwise, we will have the opportunity to approve on the market with a great brand name and a good company position. Bibliography Sources used: 1. Blythe, J. (2001). Essentials of Marketing (2nd ed.). FT: Prentice Hall. 2. Kotler and Armstrong. (2001). Principles of Marketing (9th ed.). Prentice hall. 3. Jobber, D. (2001). Principles Practice of Marketing (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill Company. 4. Mercer, D. (1992). Marketing. Blackwell Publishers. 5. Baked, M. (1994). The Marketing Book (3rd ed.). Butterworth Heinemann. 6. Etzel, M. (2004). Marketing (12th ed.). Mcgraw-Hill/ David Brake. 7. Oliver, G.(1995). Marketing Today (4th ed.). Prentice Hall. 8. Blagoev, V. (2003). Marketing (2nd ed.). 9. The Product Life Cycle. (2008). Retrieved October 14, 2008, from quickmba.com/marketing/product/lifecycle/

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Simple Conjugations for the French Verb Baigner

Simple Conjugations for the French Verb Baigner In French,  baigner  means to bathe someone else. Its used in a different context than  laver  (to wash)  and  mouiller  (to wet, drench). For instance, you would use  baigner le chien when you want to say to bathe the dog. This is a rather useful verb to learn and conjugating it to the present, past, and future tenses is relatively easy. The following lesson will guide you through the many forms of  baigner. Conjugating the French Verb  Baigner First of all, the pronunciation of  baigner  is not [bag-ner] as the GN creates a softer sound. You can hear it  in  champagne  and  une  baignoire  (bathtub). Once you get the pronunciation correct, youll be happy to know that the conjugations of baigner follow the pattern of a  regular -ER verb. This means that if you can conjugate common verbs like  adorer  (to adore)  and  dà ©clarer (to declare), you can use those same endings in these verb forms. To do this, simply pair the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense needed for your sentence. For instance, I bathe is je baigne and we will bathe is nous baignerons. Subject Present Future Imperfect je baigne baignerai baignais tu baignes baigneras baignais il baigne baignera baignait nous baignons baignerons baignions vous baignez baignerez baigniez ils baignent baigneront baignaient What is the Present Participle of  Baigner The  present participle  of baigner  is  baignant. Notice how this transformation is done by replacing the -er  ending with -ant, which is equivalent to the English -ing. Baigners Past Participle and Passà © Composà © The  past participle  of this verb is baignà ©. It is used along with an  auxiliary verb  to create the common past tense of  passà © composà ©. The auxiliary verb  avoir  needs to be conjugated, though the past participle remains the same no matter which subject pronoun you use. As an example, I bathed is jai baignà ©. Similarly, we bathed is nous avons baignà ©. More Useful Conjugations of  Baigner There are a few other verb forms you may need from time to time. Of these, the subjunctive and conditional are most common and each implies a level of uncertainty to the action. For the conditional, the action of bathing may or may not happen depending on the circumstances. You may not use or see the passà © simple or the imperfect subjunctive very often. These are often reserved for formal French writing, though you should be able to recognize their association with  baigner. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je baigne baignerais baignai baignasse tu baignes baignerais baignas baignasses il baigne baignerait baigna baignà ¢t nous baignions baignerions baignà ¢mes baignassions vous baigniez baigneriez baignà ¢tes baignassiez ils baignent baigneraient baignà ¨rent baignassent One last conjugation is important to note for  baigner. The imperative is used in direct requests and demands and there is no need to use the subject pronoun. For these instances, simplify nous baignons to baignons. Imperative (tu) baigne (nous) baignons (vous) baignez

Monday, November 4, 2019

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this changed or Essay

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this changed or improved the way people live Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer - Essay Example Because of the need for greater efficiency without sacrificing quality in meal preparation, enterprising business has turned towards the processing and packaging of meals and food ingredients, and the development of kitchen appliances that speed up the cooking process. These products have come to be a permanent feature of modern living, which begs the question: do easy-to-prepare meals impact life positively or negatively? The position of this writer is that it does, and does so positively. Let us first describe what â€Å"easy-to-prepare meals† include – or rather, what they do not include. They do not include fast foods and junk foods, since these type of foods do not require any preparation at all on the part of the consumer, and often are not even considered nutrition. Empty calories are decidedly not under consideration when one speaks of easy-to-prepare meals, which essentially are meals that are nutritious and substantial as much as they are simple and quick. First and most apparent benefit that comes from quicker meal preparation is the savings in time and effort for the cook. Few families could afford the services of a permanent cook to prepare family meals, which means that usually it’s mom, dad, or an older sibling who does the cooking. Expectedly, family members have things to do and places to go, and it is not uncommon for both parents to hold jobs. The demographics gathered by government agencies show the unmistakable increasing trend in the number of women leaving home to work: "In 1950 about one in three women participated in the labor force. By 1998, nearly three of every five women of working age were in the labor force. Among women age 16 and over, the labor force participation rate was 33.9 percent in 1950, compared with 59.8 percent in 1998. "As more women are added to the labor

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Instrumentation Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Instrumentation - Lab Report Example Two probes of a voltmeter can be connected to the plate in opposite directions to the other sides of the plates [1]. When there is no magnetic field perpendicular to the plate, as shown in situation (a) in In case where there is a magnetic field present, the voltmeter will show a reading as shown in the (b) part of the diagram. This phenomenon is known as the Hall-effect. A Hall probe can be used to measure the Hall-effect that was demonstrated above [2]. When an electric current runs in a conductor in a magnetic field, a traversal force is exerted [2] on the charge carriers by the magnetic field. Therefore the charge carriers are pushed on one side of the conductor [2] as shown in the (b) part of the diagram. This phenomenon was discovered by E. H. Hall in 1879 [2]. This is the basic principle used in the operations of Hall-effect devices. A sensor used for measuring thickness or the compactness based on Hall-effect has been developed; this sensor is called in situ sensor [3]. Whenever there is a change in the magnetic force being applied, the Hall sensor, which is works as a transducer [3], generates an output voltage. This output is variable and is dependent upon the thickness of the material being measured and the force of magnetic field being applied. The distance between the sensor and the magnetic source is the main determinant of the output voltage [3]. Vacuum failure and vacuum bag leaks can be detected with the use of the sensor [3]. This sensor is primarily used in the quality control departments and cure cycle [3] of the factories producing different material which need a reliable sensor. Most of the times, the sensor is paired with a monitoring device to demonstrate the readings. For the purpose of online monitoring and compaction of a curing composite, the sensor is quite successful. This device is being used in the quality control departments and the manufacturing departments of many businesses. They

Thursday, October 31, 2019

This research can focus on any historical topic related to the Essay

This research can focus on any historical topic related to the course.that is, on any topic covered in class or in your dossie - Essay Example In addition, irrespective of certain female stars’ legendary statuses, gender roles have been firmly reinforced by the roles these women, who are judged on their appearances, have played (Dawson 1995, p.71). This research paper provides a detailed analysis of how Hollywood portrayed women in film, focusing particularly on the 1930s, using Gold diggers of 1933 as a framework. Four themes will be discussed in the paper: the representation of women in early 1930s film, the portrayal of women, and the real-life role of women and criticism of women’s role in 1930s films. The 1930s is infamous as the era of the Great Depression and, therefore; it provides an interesting backdrop to research how women were portrayed as a result of the globally changing morals and cynicism. Representation of Women in 1930s Film Kaplan (1994, p.3) states that Hollywood cinematography in many instances objectified women for the pleasure of men. Mulvey (1989, p.56), argues that the role women play ed is worth looking at but not worth giving a listening ear. As these scholars indicate, during this era men viewed women in limited dimensions, referred to as the Madonna (housewives) or whore complex. To many, women were objects of sexual fulfilment, hence sexually active whores, or simply pristine and powerless Madonnas. Arguably, it is for this reason that Gates (2011, p.23) argues that the manner in which images of women are presented in Hollywood film aims solely at gratifying male viewers. As evident in Gold diggers of 1933, the role of women as sex objects in films is displayed freely and fully. Ginger Rogers, Joan Blondell and Ruby Keeler play the major roles and appear as stereotypical bombshells, slender and beautiful, in many of their appearances where they are dressed in skimpy costumes. Another example of how the characters are presented as sex objects is the presentation of Rogers and Blondell as platinum blonde. Aline MacMahon is the only female character not part of this characterisation. She serves as the sole voice of cynicism and the hard-boiled attitude that prevailed from the start of the 1930s as a result of the Depression. Further, she appears to have a superior intellect as compared to the other female characters. Aside for MacMahon, all female characters in the movie represent the characterisation of Madonna/ whore. For instance, they appear independent, and Lawrence Bradford views their morals from a negative perspective. As the embodiment of the 1930s elite, Bradford indicates the elite opinion on the female role during this era. Interestingly, as the film ends, all the women become Madonnas, since they are no longer showgirls filled with loose morals, but wives. Trixie marries Lawrence’s lawyer, Carol marries Lawrence and Polly marries Brad, therefore, it is arguable that their transformation from whores to Madonnas is thus complete. In short, women’s roles in the 1930s were often stereotypical, with women portrayed i n a sexualised manner for the benefit of men. The way women were shown to choose

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Statement of Purpose Essay Example for Free

Statement of Purpose Essay Alvin Toffler once said that all education begins with a dream for the future and, simultaneously, all education creates a dream of a new future. I have also read an article in which he said that modern industry is on its third wave but that our country’s education still remains on its second wave. I do not need to rely only on the words of the eminent futurologist: it is simply undeniable that our society has reached an overall crisis with regard to education. In such circumstances, the social responsibility of teachers who take charge of actual educational fields is desperately demanded. It is my goal to improve the reality of English education in my country and to create educational programs that will appropriately serve students in the light of social changes. I chose the MA in TESL course at 000 University because I truly wanted to be a teacher—specifically, an English teacher. I zealously focused on my studies and enjoyed making preparations to become the kind of teacher I had been dreaming of becoming. With a strong sense of responsibility as a teacher, I always thought deeply about how to teach students effectively and about which method I could use to inspire them with positive academic attitudes. In that process, I gradually became most interested in developing an effective English education method. When I was a middle school student, my English teacher always played pop music or showed videos containing simple English to capture the attention of the class before lecturing. While studying various teaching methods in college, I realized how important it is to motivate students before starting the class. Actually, motivation might be the most important factor in learning a foreign language, because spending a whole hour can be meaningless if the students fail to concentrate in the class. There is also research that proves that highly motivated students study hard of their own accord. With that in mind, I came to the understanding that it is necessary to break away from the old, traditional English education methods and develop methods that well suit the changing times. Now I particularly look forward to studying efficient teaching methods in depth. Currently, the educational system of Korea has strayed from practical methods, suited for modern society, of studying English, and it is entangled with unchanging grammar study and uninteresting reading comprehension. While teaching, I’ve been upset by the fact that while students might have an advantage in grammar and reading, they considerably lack the ability to freely communicate orally with English speakers and to express their opinions logically and fully in writing. Therefore, I highly concentrate on the importance of speaking and writing when I teach students in the institute. I help the students to improve their writing, and I also try to give them opportunities to speak freely with native English speakers in the institute. I also do my best to interact with my students and help them to become familiar with English studies by preparing materials from famous U.S. TV dramas and animations. The students at first felt awkward with my efforts and had trouble adjusting; however, they later understood my genuine intentions, and my method eventually made an immense impact even on the students with low scores who was not interested in or fond of studying English. One unsatisfactory thing was that some students could not fully catch up because of other extracurricular activities, and I did not have sufficient experience to care for them fully. Because I have experienced such successes and failures, I have been constantly researching to discover a more advanced teaching method. I personally agree with the current TOEFL system, because it evaluates the student’s practical ability to speak and write English in addition to having a good command of grammar. After deeply studying TOEFL, I still felt that I lacked the ability to speak English fluently, even though I am an English major, and that is the crucial reason I resolved to study abroad. While going to an institute to study TOEFL, I have met many fellow students who are not majoring in English, and I feel sort of sad that they indeed have great potential but are frustrated by the huge barrier of the English language. After I successfully complete every course of your graduate school, I plan to return to my country to devote myself to helping non-English majors, so that TOEFL will not be an obstacle when they decide to study abroad to pursue their dreams. I want to cultivate my ability as an English educator at XXX University. By taking your Ph.D program, I will expand my capacity in English and research teaching methods for effective English education. The future-oriented curriculum of your Ph.D program seems quite suitable for training top quality educators by focusing not only on the theory and practice of English education, but also on the development of English speaking. To make the best of this program, I will acquire the quality of a native speaker and instill a sense of duty in myself. I believe what the 21st century demands is an expert who does not remain still, but keeps developing. Considering an old saying that education is a plan that spans a hundred years, I argue that a person who aspires to be a teacher should try very hard. While studying in your school, I want to do my best to develop and research the English education method that suits my original style. To make this happen, I am open to pursuing diverse academic activities, and, if necessary, I will extend my academic aspiration to a doctoral program. If I am given an opportunity, I long to be a professor who inspires students who want to be English teachers while never neglecting my duty as a scholar to keep researching. Lastly, I will provide students with more than just language skills by obtaining an international sense and playing the role as a mediator of English culture who teaches what they truly need to know.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Investor Attitudes Towards Risk on Stock Market

Investor Attitudes Towards Risk on Stock Market For the abnormal return in stock market, investor attitudes will become increasingly important. This paper attempts to analyze the impact of investor attitude towards risk that have a greater influence on stock market .In this study researcher focused on particular Islamabad stock market and obtain primary data based on five point Likert scale from investor of ISE. The data indicate that investors have substantially different attitudes toward various investments. However, there are significant statistical differences between attitudes of the investor groups in their attitudes toward three risk types. These data also show significant differences in attitudes toward risk. After analyzing the data through the Regression and Correlation, including ANOVA test, the result found the significance impact of variables on stock market. Introduction The whole financial theory is based on the basic hypothesis of rational investor on the financial markets. This rationality is characterized by a continuous quest of the investors to maximize their utility function (actually maximizing the return of the investment for a given risk level or minimizing the risk for an expected return level). In spite their rationality; investors have a different perception over risk, its bearing having an important psychological factor. Most investors show different attitude towards risk like motivated risk aversion, but we can find on the financial markets. While risk behavior has been studied intensely and a large number of risk perception. Through attention to risk perception and risk propensity which are mediators in attitude transaction, financial institutions can realize the effects on investor behavior and their returns expectations. The first section of this paper is the introduction, the second section is the literature review, the third secti on establishes hypothesis model, the fourth section presents the study results and the fifth section is the conclusion and recommendations.Different Studies are available; far less research exists regarding peoples mind-sets towards risk taking, i.e., risk attitudes, such as, risk aversion, risk tolerance and risk neutral. These can be conceptualized as two poles of a one-dimensional attitude towards risk-taking but also as two separate concepts. It is widely assumed that people differ considerably in their attitude towards risks, ranging from good sense to risk-seeking and even pleasure in risk-taking. The first trial of conceptualizing the investors risk aversion belongs to Milton Friedman and Leonard Savage (Milton Friedman, Leonard Savage Utility Analysis of Choices Involving Risk, JPE, 1948) who defined the risk aversion by using the following decisional situation: an investor who can chose among comparable investments will always chose the one with the lowest risk. Explaining the investment behavior using the returns of risky financial investments utility function brought a new perspective to the risk aversion theory. Further studies showed that there are also other factors with direct impact over the attitude towards risk (economic growth forecasts of a market, the level of training and the experience gained, fluctuations of the exchange market, psychological factors, biases and heuristics etc.). This paper follows studies conducted with investors to examine investor attitudes and behavior towards inherent risk and potential returns in stock market. Statement of the Problem The problem statement of research was à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Impact of Investor Attitude towards Risk on Stock Marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Major variables used in this study include stock market return volatility and risk attitude i.e risk tolerance, risk aversive, risk neutral variables that are the indicators of investor attitude. Objective: the objectives of research are:- To study how these attitude types are affecting the stock market. To find whether there is any relationship between stock market index and investor behavior. Significance of the Study The market return fluctuate according to events and trends , the human mind also have some psychological factor that can be influenced or might directs towards good or bad decision making regarding investment. From this study individual investor can get knowledge how their behavior that can maximize or minimize their utility in investment plan in market portfolio. They can change their behavior accordingly. Every Kind of individual like small investor including Man, Women with different status i.e. single or Martial with different age can change their mind set and able to understand how they should make decision to see the market trends or events. Review of Literature There is lot work has been done so far in this regard. Now we have overview some of researcher works in this section of the paper as review literature. With the reference of research topic, some of studies are being done in which all the variables includes Risk attitude factors i.e; Risk Aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk are taken into consideration to define the impact of those variables on stock market. Levin, Synder and chapman (1975) were concerned with the differences between men and women in accepting the risks of financial investments, they focused on a group of 110 students using a questionnaire regarding lotteries to check the more risk aversive according to gender differentiation. the results indicating that women are more risk aversive than men Powell and Ansic (1997) questioned a small group regarding property insurance and the exchange market and again found that women are more aversive than men (this study was among the first which analyzed individual aversion towards speculative and pure risks); using information regarding the weight of the funds invested in risky assets. Jaimie Sung and Hannna (1996) analyzed the risk tolerance corresponding to four ethnic groups: Caucasian, Hispanic, Black and others. Given the substantial differences among risk tolerance capacities of these groups (the Caucasians have the highest risk tolerance and the Blacks the lowest) we may assert that this factor has a direct impact on the way investors accept and perceive the risk attached to financial investments. Education also has a direct influence on risk tolerance, as several studies prove a direct link between higher education and the acceptance of higher risk related to investments. The analysis was conducted on four education levels: primary school, high school, college and postgraduate studies. The results demonstrate an intense and direct impact on accepting financial risk: the higher the subjects education, the higher his tolerance to risk. Sitkin and Pablo (1992) developed a model of determinants of risk behavior. In this model, personal risk preferences and past experiences form an important risk factor in which to frame the problem, and social influence also affects the individuals perception. Sitkin and Weingart (1995) extend the Sitkin-Pablo model leading to the definition that risk perception and propensity are the mediators in risk behaviors of uncertainty decision-making. Shyan-Rong Chou, Gow-Liang Huang, Hui-Lin Hsu (2010) has done research on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Investor Attitudes and Behavior towards Inherent Risk and Potential Returns in Financial Productsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. They establish a model by which to measure attitudes and behavior towards investment risk.They used variables: Risk propensity, Risk perception, Behavior finance, Decision making. They study to form a framework (framing) for interpretation of their respective populations attitudes and behaviors. Empirical results found no difference by gender to investor propensity to take risk, nor in cognitive perception of such. However, higher and lower perceptions of risk were indicated by investors according to their personal investment experience. Investors with little experience in stocks and structured notes were found to have significantly sensitive perception of risk. Thus the model proposed is relevant in finding a positive correlation between experience and propensity of risk, though the un derstanding of such remains uncertain. In respect to financial products other than mutual funds, investor propensity and perception of risk tend to show a negative correlation. Amos Tversky; Daniel Kahneman (1974) defines in their research à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biasesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? that Heuristics that are important feature of the individual decision-making process which may be considered to include thought representativeness and availability. They founded that there is anchoring bias in the decision-making process which arises due to factors such as overconfidence, loss aversion, status quo bias, mental accounting, framing and so on. Investors in the process of assessing the risks and returns are influenced by this anchor effect. All these studies proved the complexity of risk aversion and its subjective dimension, as the estimates are difficult to obtain accurately. Investors have ultimately a unique behavior which results in un balanced price, no matter how adverse they are to risk. Understanding risk aversion offers another perspective for constructing and optimizing risky financial portfolios. Theoretical Frame work Our theoretical frame work is as under: (Independent Variables) Risk Aversion Risk Tolerance Risk Neutral (Dependent Variable) Stock Market Explanation The possibility of physical or social or financial harm /detriment / loss due to a exposure. This is the (dominating) negative perspective; however, there is also a neutral perspective, i.e., risk = uncertainty about the outcomes (good and/or bad ones) of a decision; and a positive perspective. A persons opinion belief about how large the risk associated with a hazard is (regarding negative outcomes) A general perspective of humans mind towards taking or avoiding a risk when deciding how to proceed in situations with uncertain outcomes. Risk Attitude towards taking risks or avoiding risk are; i.e, Risk aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk Neutral. So, all decisions about how acceptable a risk is in individual or societal terms deepened on market events or trends. The actual behavior of people when facing a risk situation, each investor has unique personal risk tendencies, investment style, and level of risk awareness. These characteristics, in addition to the expectation of returns, help investment decision making and portfolio construction. According to traditional finances capital asset pricing model, due to investor risk aversion, rational investors understand that increased investment risk demands return with a higher premium. Diagrammatical Expression of Variable:  [1]   Purpose of the study (Hypothesis Testing) Hypothesis testing offers an enhanced understanding of the relationship that exists among variables. It could also established casual and effect relationship. The research à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Impact of Investor attitude towards risk on Stock Marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, includes there are certain variables upon which the growth of Stock Market depends; these are interest rate, Risk Aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk Neutral ,Uncertainty. Research is being carried out to analyze the nature of the relationship between all these variables. Hypothesis Risk Tolerance Investor: Investors who tend towards higher risk are more adventurous and so are willing to attempt high-risk, high reward investments. H1: Investor who has a higher tolerance to risk that have significant impact on stock market volatility H2: Investor who has a higher tolerance to risk that have no significant impact on stock market volatility Risk Aversive Investor: People who tend towards lower risk behavior are less willing to engage in risky adventurous behavior due to their low risk tolerance. That is, this kind of investor has a high degree of risk perception in financial products. H3: Investor who are risk aversive has significant impact on stock market volatility H4: Investor who are risk aversive has no significant impact on stock market volatility Risk Neutral Investor: Someone is completely indifferent to the risk involved an investment and is only concerned about expected return. H5: Investor who are risk neutral has significant impact on stock market volatility H6: Investor who are risk neutral has no significant impact on stock market volatility Methodology: (Sample Data Collection) Sample is taken from Islamabad stock exchange and data collection is based on primary data using questionnaire consist of five likert scale including Strongly Agree, Agree, No Strong Opinion, Disagree, Strongly Disagree to analyze the dependent and nondependent variables. The questionnaire sample obtained from the valid source à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Scottish Life Risk Attitude Profiling Questionnaire is based on the Byrne Blake Risk Profile Questionnaireà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [2]  . The Respondents which have obtained during the research work are 30 that included 20 brokers, 10 small investors i.e Man, Woman having different qualification, age and income groups. To analyze the data being a researcher we used Regression and correlation in SPSS to see the impact and relationship between variables. Data Analysis and Discussion The results drawn from statistical analysis is based on regression analysis. As the independent variable is comprised of three facets i.e, risk aversion, risk taking and risk neutral so several hierarchical regression analyses are performed to formally check the hypothesis. Separate regression analyses are run for analyzing independent-dependent relationship. Regression has been used in order to measure that how much variation in dependent variables has been caused by independent variable. The results are as follows: Risk Aversion (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .467(a) .218 .048 .48900 Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.218 which is equal to 21.8 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk aversion is accounting for 21.8 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 1.535 5 .307 1.284 Residual 5.500 23 .239 Total 7.034 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), risk aversion b. Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F ( 1. 101) = 1.284 ; P Since the value of P is less than 0.01, so we can say that the overall effect of this independent variable is highly significant. RISK Tolerance (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .442(a) .195 -.025 .50735 Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.195 which is equal to 19.5 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk tolerance is accounting for 19.5 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e. stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 1.372 6 .229 .888 Residual 5.663 22 .257 Total 7.034 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance b. Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F ( 1. 101) = 0.888 ; P Since the value of P is less than 0.01, so we can say that the overall effect of this independent variable is highly significant. Risk Neutral (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .687(a) .472 -.056 .51517 Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.472 which is equal to 47.2 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk neutral is accounting for 19.5 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e. stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 3.319 14 .237 .893 Residual 3.716 14 .265 Total 7.034 28 Predictors: (Constant), risk neutral Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F (1. 101) = 0.893; P CONCLUSION This study uses the questionnaire approach to test the risk attitudes and returns expectations of investors of particular Islamabad stock exchange. There are different trends and economic crisis that rapidly changed the attitude of investors of male and female. Variance analysis also found that less experienced investors have lower risk propensity and higher risk perception. However, considering individual attitude and perception about returns of stock market either influenced positively or negatively that assessed during research questionnaire. In the test model, investor experience and their risk propensity is in positive correlation. So, the conclusion of this study is consistent with recent literature, however the relationship between risk attitude and expected returns has not yet been determined as successful and strong empirical result. RECOMMENDATIONS Researcher recommended the followings ways to gain higher return from their investing attitude. Compare current stock value with historical results of securities or bonds markets. If you are risk aversive and need higher income during shorter period of time and at low risk, you will need to find other financial instruments.   As we know that, there is direct correlation between risk and income. The higher is income, the higher is risk so investor should ensure about their instruments worth in which he/she going to invest such can be divided as follows: bank savings, bonds and shares.   Another issue is that somehow media reports negatively about stock market return so, investor rapidly change their mind set as the framing heuristic applied without thinking the validity of information. So investor should protect his or her investments. Having purchased securities, keep monitoring securities market periodically. Other Recommendations are that Do not spread the whole money in the market and prefer to invest in only those companies that pay a dividend and that have a history of raising their dividend every year. Investor should forget making a profit; instead focus on the income provided from the stock portfolio and make every stock purchase with the intent that the purchase will be a long-term investment. Develop a savings plan to add to your holdings each quarter to help dividend reinvestments to accumulate more shares on a cost averaging basis. REFERENCES Amos Tversky; Daniel Kahneman Science, New Series, Vol. 185, No. 4157. (Sep. 27, 1974), pp. 1124-1131. Jaimie Sung, Sherman Hanna, Factors related to risk tolerance, Financial Counseling and Planning, Vol. 7,1996, pag. 14). Levin Irwin P., Mary A. Snyder and Daniel P. Chapman (1975), The Interaction of Experiential and Situational Factors and Gender in a Simulated Risky Decision-Making Task, Journal of Psychology, 1988, 122(2),pp. 173-181) Powell Melanie, and David Ansic (1997), Gender Differences in Risk Behaviour in Financial Decision-Making: An Experimental Analysis, Journal of Economic Psychology, 18(6), 1998, pp. 605-628. Risk Attitude Profiling questionnairehttp://www.scottishlife.co.uk/scotlife/nmsruntime/saveasdialog.asp?fileName=Risk_Attitude_Questionnaire.pdf Source:http://www.emeraldinsight.com/books.htm?chapterid=1760442show=html Sitkin and Pablo (1992) Review of management Review-1992.vol 17, No.1, p-38). Shyan-Rong Chou, Gow-Liang Huang, Hui-Lin Hsu (2010) International Research Journal of Finance and Economics ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 44 (2010)  © Euro Journals Publishing, Inc. 2010. http://www.eurojournals.com/finance.html) Investor Attitudes Towards Risk on Stock Market Investor Attitudes Towards Risk on Stock Market For the abnormal return in stock market, investor attitudes will become increasingly important. This paper attempts to analyze the impact of investor attitude towards risk that have a greater influence on stock market .In this study researcher focused on particular Islamabad stock market and obtain primary data based on five point Likert scale from investor of ISE. The data indicate that investors have substantially different attitudes toward various investments. However, there are significant statistical differences between attitudes of the investor groups in their attitudes toward three risk types. These data also show significant differences in attitudes toward risk. After analyzing the data through the Regression and Correlation, including ANOVA test, the result found the significance impact of variables on stock market. Introduction The whole financial theory is based on the basic hypothesis of rational investor on the financial markets. This rationality is characterized by a continuous quest of the investors to maximize their utility function (actually maximizing the return of the investment for a given risk level or minimizing the risk for an expected return level). In spite their rationality; investors have a different perception over risk, its bearing having an important psychological factor. Most investors show different attitude towards risk like motivated risk aversion, but we can find on the financial markets. While risk behavior has been studied intensely and a large number of risk perception. Through attention to risk perception and risk propensity which are mediators in attitude transaction, financial institutions can realize the effects on investor behavior and their returns expectations. The first section of this paper is the introduction, the second section is the literature review, the third secti on establishes hypothesis model, the fourth section presents the study results and the fifth section is the conclusion and recommendations.Different Studies are available; far less research exists regarding peoples mind-sets towards risk taking, i.e., risk attitudes, such as, risk aversion, risk tolerance and risk neutral. These can be conceptualized as two poles of a one-dimensional attitude towards risk-taking but also as two separate concepts. It is widely assumed that people differ considerably in their attitude towards risks, ranging from good sense to risk-seeking and even pleasure in risk-taking. The first trial of conceptualizing the investors risk aversion belongs to Milton Friedman and Leonard Savage (Milton Friedman, Leonard Savage Utility Analysis of Choices Involving Risk, JPE, 1948) who defined the risk aversion by using the following decisional situation: an investor who can chose among comparable investments will always chose the one with the lowest risk. Explaining the investment behavior using the returns of risky financial investments utility function brought a new perspective to the risk aversion theory. Further studies showed that there are also other factors with direct impact over the attitude towards risk (economic growth forecasts of a market, the level of training and the experience gained, fluctuations of the exchange market, psychological factors, biases and heuristics etc.). This paper follows studies conducted with investors to examine investor attitudes and behavior towards inherent risk and potential returns in stock market. Statement of the Problem The problem statement of research was à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Impact of Investor Attitude towards Risk on Stock Marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. Major variables used in this study include stock market return volatility and risk attitude i.e risk tolerance, risk aversive, risk neutral variables that are the indicators of investor attitude. Objective: the objectives of research are:- To study how these attitude types are affecting the stock market. To find whether there is any relationship between stock market index and investor behavior. Significance of the Study The market return fluctuate according to events and trends , the human mind also have some psychological factor that can be influenced or might directs towards good or bad decision making regarding investment. From this study individual investor can get knowledge how their behavior that can maximize or minimize their utility in investment plan in market portfolio. They can change their behavior accordingly. Every Kind of individual like small investor including Man, Women with different status i.e. single or Martial with different age can change their mind set and able to understand how they should make decision to see the market trends or events. Review of Literature There is lot work has been done so far in this regard. Now we have overview some of researcher works in this section of the paper as review literature. With the reference of research topic, some of studies are being done in which all the variables includes Risk attitude factors i.e; Risk Aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk are taken into consideration to define the impact of those variables on stock market. Levin, Synder and chapman (1975) were concerned with the differences between men and women in accepting the risks of financial investments, they focused on a group of 110 students using a questionnaire regarding lotteries to check the more risk aversive according to gender differentiation. the results indicating that women are more risk aversive than men Powell and Ansic (1997) questioned a small group regarding property insurance and the exchange market and again found that women are more aversive than men (this study was among the first which analyzed individual aversion towards speculative and pure risks); using information regarding the weight of the funds invested in risky assets. Jaimie Sung and Hannna (1996) analyzed the risk tolerance corresponding to four ethnic groups: Caucasian, Hispanic, Black and others. Given the substantial differences among risk tolerance capacities of these groups (the Caucasians have the highest risk tolerance and the Blacks the lowest) we may assert that this factor has a direct impact on the way investors accept and perceive the risk attached to financial investments. Education also has a direct influence on risk tolerance, as several studies prove a direct link between higher education and the acceptance of higher risk related to investments. The analysis was conducted on four education levels: primary school, high school, college and postgraduate studies. The results demonstrate an intense and direct impact on accepting financial risk: the higher the subjects education, the higher his tolerance to risk. Sitkin and Pablo (1992) developed a model of determinants of risk behavior. In this model, personal risk preferences and past experiences form an important risk factor in which to frame the problem, and social influence also affects the individuals perception. Sitkin and Weingart (1995) extend the Sitkin-Pablo model leading to the definition that risk perception and propensity are the mediators in risk behaviors of uncertainty decision-making. Shyan-Rong Chou, Gow-Liang Huang, Hui-Lin Hsu (2010) has done research on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Investor Attitudes and Behavior towards Inherent Risk and Potential Returns in Financial Productsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. They establish a model by which to measure attitudes and behavior towards investment risk.They used variables: Risk propensity, Risk perception, Behavior finance, Decision making. They study to form a framework (framing) for interpretation of their respective populations attitudes and behaviors. Empirical results found no difference by gender to investor propensity to take risk, nor in cognitive perception of such. However, higher and lower perceptions of risk were indicated by investors according to their personal investment experience. Investors with little experience in stocks and structured notes were found to have significantly sensitive perception of risk. Thus the model proposed is relevant in finding a positive correlation between experience and propensity of risk, though the un derstanding of such remains uncertain. In respect to financial products other than mutual funds, investor propensity and perception of risk tend to show a negative correlation. Amos Tversky; Daniel Kahneman (1974) defines in their research à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Judgment under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biasesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? that Heuristics that are important feature of the individual decision-making process which may be considered to include thought representativeness and availability. They founded that there is anchoring bias in the decision-making process which arises due to factors such as overconfidence, loss aversion, status quo bias, mental accounting, framing and so on. Investors in the process of assessing the risks and returns are influenced by this anchor effect. All these studies proved the complexity of risk aversion and its subjective dimension, as the estimates are difficult to obtain accurately. Investors have ultimately a unique behavior which results in un balanced price, no matter how adverse they are to risk. Understanding risk aversion offers another perspective for constructing and optimizing risky financial portfolios. Theoretical Frame work Our theoretical frame work is as under: (Independent Variables) Risk Aversion Risk Tolerance Risk Neutral (Dependent Variable) Stock Market Explanation The possibility of physical or social or financial harm /detriment / loss due to a exposure. This is the (dominating) negative perspective; however, there is also a neutral perspective, i.e., risk = uncertainty about the outcomes (good and/or bad ones) of a decision; and a positive perspective. A persons opinion belief about how large the risk associated with a hazard is (regarding negative outcomes) A general perspective of humans mind towards taking or avoiding a risk when deciding how to proceed in situations with uncertain outcomes. Risk Attitude towards taking risks or avoiding risk are; i.e, Risk aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk Neutral. So, all decisions about how acceptable a risk is in individual or societal terms deepened on market events or trends. The actual behavior of people when facing a risk situation, each investor has unique personal risk tendencies, investment style, and level of risk awareness. These characteristics, in addition to the expectation of returns, help investment decision making and portfolio construction. According to traditional finances capital asset pricing model, due to investor risk aversion, rational investors understand that increased investment risk demands return with a higher premium. Diagrammatical Expression of Variable:  [1]   Purpose of the study (Hypothesis Testing) Hypothesis testing offers an enhanced understanding of the relationship that exists among variables. It could also established casual and effect relationship. The research à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Impact of Investor attitude towards risk on Stock Marketà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, includes there are certain variables upon which the growth of Stock Market depends; these are interest rate, Risk Aversion, Risk Tolerance, Risk Neutral ,Uncertainty. Research is being carried out to analyze the nature of the relationship between all these variables. Hypothesis Risk Tolerance Investor: Investors who tend towards higher risk are more adventurous and so are willing to attempt high-risk, high reward investments. H1: Investor who has a higher tolerance to risk that have significant impact on stock market volatility H2: Investor who has a higher tolerance to risk that have no significant impact on stock market volatility Risk Aversive Investor: People who tend towards lower risk behavior are less willing to engage in risky adventurous behavior due to their low risk tolerance. That is, this kind of investor has a high degree of risk perception in financial products. H3: Investor who are risk aversive has significant impact on stock market volatility H4: Investor who are risk aversive has no significant impact on stock market volatility Risk Neutral Investor: Someone is completely indifferent to the risk involved an investment and is only concerned about expected return. H5: Investor who are risk neutral has significant impact on stock market volatility H6: Investor who are risk neutral has no significant impact on stock market volatility Methodology: (Sample Data Collection) Sample is taken from Islamabad stock exchange and data collection is based on primary data using questionnaire consist of five likert scale including Strongly Agree, Agree, No Strong Opinion, Disagree, Strongly Disagree to analyze the dependent and nondependent variables. The questionnaire sample obtained from the valid source à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The Scottish Life Risk Attitude Profiling Questionnaire is based on the Byrne Blake Risk Profile Questionnaireà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?  [2]  . The Respondents which have obtained during the research work are 30 that included 20 brokers, 10 small investors i.e Man, Woman having different qualification, age and income groups. To analyze the data being a researcher we used Regression and correlation in SPSS to see the impact and relationship between variables. Data Analysis and Discussion The results drawn from statistical analysis is based on regression analysis. As the independent variable is comprised of three facets i.e, risk aversion, risk taking and risk neutral so several hierarchical regression analyses are performed to formally check the hypothesis. Separate regression analyses are run for analyzing independent-dependent relationship. Regression has been used in order to measure that how much variation in dependent variables has been caused by independent variable. The results are as follows: Risk Aversion (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .467(a) .218 .048 .48900 Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.218 which is equal to 21.8 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk aversion is accounting for 21.8 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 1.535 5 .307 1.284 Residual 5.500 23 .239 Total 7.034 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), risk aversion b. Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F ( 1. 101) = 1.284 ; P Since the value of P is less than 0.01, so we can say that the overall effect of this independent variable is highly significant. RISK Tolerance (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .442(a) .195 -.025 .50735 Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.195 which is equal to 19.5 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk tolerance is accounting for 19.5 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e. stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 1.372 6 .229 .888 Residual 5.663 22 .257 Total 7.034 28 a. Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance b. Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F ( 1. 101) = 0.888 ; P Since the value of P is less than 0.01, so we can say that the overall effect of this independent variable is highly significant. Risk Neutral (a) Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .687(a) .472 -.056 .51517 Predictors: (Constant), risk tolerance Interpretation Table illustrate that value of R Square is 0.472 which is equal to 47.2 %. This means that independent variable i.e. risk neutral is accounting for 19.5 % of variation in the dependent variable i.e. stock market. (b) ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F 1 Regression 3.319 14 .237 .893 Residual 3.716 14 .265 Total 7.034 28 Predictors: (Constant), risk neutral Dependent Variable: Stock market Interpretation F (1. 101) = 0.893; P CONCLUSION This study uses the questionnaire approach to test the risk attitudes and returns expectations of investors of particular Islamabad stock exchange. There are different trends and economic crisis that rapidly changed the attitude of investors of male and female. Variance analysis also found that less experienced investors have lower risk propensity and higher risk perception. However, considering individual attitude and perception about returns of stock market either influenced positively or negatively that assessed during research questionnaire. In the test model, investor experience and their risk propensity is in positive correlation. So, the conclusion of this study is consistent with recent literature, however the relationship between risk attitude and expected returns has not yet been determined as successful and strong empirical result. RECOMMENDATIONS Researcher recommended the followings ways to gain higher return from their investing attitude. Compare current stock value with historical results of securities or bonds markets. If you are risk aversive and need higher income during shorter period of time and at low risk, you will need to find other financial instruments.   As we know that, there is direct correlation between risk and income. The higher is income, the higher is risk so investor should ensure about their instruments worth in which he/she going to invest such can be divided as follows: bank savings, bonds and shares.   Another issue is that somehow media reports negatively about stock market return so, investor rapidly change their mind set as the framing heuristic applied without thinking the validity of information. So investor should protect his or her investments. Having purchased securities, keep monitoring securities market periodically. Other Recommendations are that Do not spread the whole money in the market and prefer to invest in only those companies that pay a dividend and that have a history of raising their dividend every year. Investor should forget making a profit; instead focus on the income provided from the stock portfolio and make every stock purchase with the intent that the purchase will be a long-term investment. Develop a savings plan to add to your holdings each quarter to help dividend reinvestments to accumulate more shares on a cost averaging basis. REFERENCES Amos Tversky; Daniel Kahneman Science, New Series, Vol. 185, No. 4157. (Sep. 27, 1974), pp. 1124-1131. Jaimie Sung, Sherman Hanna, Factors related to risk tolerance, Financial Counseling and Planning, Vol. 7,1996, pag. 14). Levin Irwin P., Mary A. Snyder and Daniel P. Chapman (1975), The Interaction of Experiential and Situational Factors and Gender in a Simulated Risky Decision-Making Task, Journal of Psychology, 1988, 122(2),pp. 173-181) Powell Melanie, and David Ansic (1997), Gender Differences in Risk Behaviour in Financial Decision-Making: An Experimental Analysis, Journal of Economic Psychology, 18(6), 1998, pp. 605-628. Risk Attitude Profiling questionnairehttp://www.scottishlife.co.uk/scotlife/nmsruntime/saveasdialog.asp?fileName=Risk_Attitude_Questionnaire.pdf Source:http://www.emeraldinsight.com/books.htm?chapterid=1760442show=html Sitkin and Pablo (1992) Review of management Review-1992.vol 17, No.1, p-38). Shyan-Rong Chou, Gow-Liang Huang, Hui-Lin Hsu (2010) International Research Journal of Finance and Economics ISSN 1450-2887 Issue 44 (2010)  © Euro Journals Publishing, Inc. 2010. http://www.eurojournals.com/finance.html)